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Showing posts from January, 2020


I know you may hear that working out is the terrible part of a journey to a healthier mind, body, and soul. In my case this was the most enjoyable part, I loved the working out part. Healthy eating, on the other hand, was a struggle but we will get there next time. For me to work out I had to have music it was essential. Of course, there are certain workouts that I preferred over others but the great thing about it is if you do not like a particular workout you don't have to do it this is your journey which means you can customize it the way that you please. In the beginning, I started out going to varies group fitness workout classes at my gym. I tried yoga, Zumba, cycling, Couch to 5k, Barre and so many others. I found that I love cycling classes and I was not expecting to love them as much as I did. I went to these as much as my schedule would allow me too. When my schedule didn't match for the cycling class I was super bummed and honestly sometimes stranded. Strande