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I know you may hear that working out is the terrible part of a journey to a healthier mind, body, and soul. In my case this was the most enjoyable part, I loved the working out part. Healthy eating, on the other hand, was a struggle but we will get there next time. For me to work out I had to have music it was essential. Of course, there are certain workouts that I preferred over others but the great thing about it is if you do not like a particular workout you don't have to do it this is your journey which means you can customize it the way that you please. In the beginning, I started out going to varies group fitness workout classes at my gym. I tried yoga, Zumba, cycling, Couch to 5k, Barre and so many others. I found that I love cycling classes and I was not expecting to love them as much as I did. I went to these as much as my schedule would allow me too. When my schedule didn't match for the cycling class I was super bummed and honestly sometimes stranded. Stranded because I was accustomed to an instructor leading me through a workout all I had to do was put my best foot forward. So what do I do if there is not a class that matches my availability? Do I not workout that day? No of course not I had to figure out a workout routine for myself without an instructor. I know the key to losing weight is to burn more calories than you eat therefore I needed to do high-calorie burning workouts. I worked out 5 to 7 times a week which consisted of two strength training days the remainder of the days being mostly cardio. My cardio days were strictly 30-45 minutes and the strength training days were a bit longer. Yes yes, I lost weight with 30-minute workouts so time as an excuse is not even an option. Honestly, I do not like spending too much time in the gym because I start thinking about all the things I need to get done. Therefore 30 minutes was the golden power hour for me. To me the only cardio there was back then was running and honestly running was not my favorite. Oddly enough I somehow was determined to run a 5K eventually and that is still in the works. When I wasn't trying out different classes I customized a daily workout for myself with my favorite exercises.
Cardio(3-5 days a week)
15 Minute Stair Stepper
15 Minutes of Running/ Inclined Walking (Treadmill)
Cardio days I based solely on music. I would start at a level 4 on the stair stepper and stay there until the next song begin then I would increase a level then repeat that until I reached the hardest level I could handle at that time or when the 15 minutes were up. I would start the treadmill workout at a level 4 incline at a speed of 2.5 and I would stay there for a song then I would run for a whole song or as long as I could handle then I would go back to inclined walking increase the incline by one each time and increasing the speed to 3.5.
Strength Training Days(2 Days a week)
10 Minutes Running or Stair Stepper
10 Bicep Curls (10-pound dumbbells)
10 Overhead Presses (10-pound dumbbells)
10 Triceps Rope Pushdown (10-pound dumbbells)
20 Squats 
20 Fire Hydrants (each leg)
20 Donkey Kicks (each leg)
20 Leg Raises with Stability Ball 
40 Crunches
Bicycle Crunches 1 Minute
40 Russian Twists with Weight Ball
Plank 1 Minute 
All in all the way I got through my workouts consisted of lots and lots of music. I will share my workout playlist and songs. I listen to various genres of music so I have a little something for most people. Self-motivation in the form of talking to myself or let us be honest screaming at myself in my head. I would say GOOOO TIESHA!!! YOU GOT THIS!!! DON'T GIVE UP!!! HOW BAD DO YOU WANT THIS!!??!? WHAT WOULD YOU GIVE TO GET IT!!!???! I know it sounds a little weird, but you will not always have somebody to hold you accountable sometimes you have to hold yourself accountable and be your biggest motivator. All in all, just remember everything starts with you.

-Growing and Glowing with Ty 


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