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When I was a kid I knew of different career, but I had never knew anything about physical therapy. I knew about doctors, nurses, lawyers, fashion designers, and teachers. Due to these things I was presented with or knew about I literally wanted to be all of these things besides a teacher. When I realized these weren't the careers for me, I had to begin exploring other things on my own. During this time I got the chance to watch my family members with physical therapists and it was intriguing to me. It wasn't until the summer before 9th grade that I knew that it was for me. I volunteered at a veterans affair hospital and I worked with a Physical Therapist there and I fell in love. Through years now that I have learned even more about it was confirmation that this is what I want as a career. 

Two Favorite Things About PT

In physical therapy your number one goal is to do what best for the client and getting them back to their life as best as you can. I have always loved helping people and the amount of admiration PT got through my experiences with them was simply amazing to me. It was beautiful witnessing a person do something that they never thought would be possible again. Knowing that I helped with that and they have that confidence again; that's a feeling I vision I will never get tired of. 

The variety of Physical Therapy as a whole is astonishing. There are many different specialties and setting that you can be in. This means that there is something for everyone and you can truly find the perfect nice for you in the field. 



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