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The Big Three


Guess What Guys?!? I passed my first semester of PT school. Prior to starting this semester I had very little experience with online courses. I had one online course in undergrad school and it was a psychology course. When I think of physical therapy I don't imagine it as a degree that you would get through online courses. Considering, the infamous COVID-19 we all have to try and make it work. I do feel after taking  online course I lost a lot of learning and practical skills compared to previous years during this first semester. Through this experience their were three very vital things I had to remind myself to do and it will be essential to making it through these next three years.

One:  Study Everyday

This is going to be so important to you not feeling too overwhelmed or staying on top of everything. There will be a lot of information that you have to learn and cramming t all in before the exam will not even be an option. In the beginning I did not study everyday and immediately I felt behind. Once I fell behind I felt there was no way to catch up and too be honest I still don't feel like I completely caught up.I was definitely able to still pas, but I feel if I would have really knew how important it is to study everyday I would not have felt so behind and I would have had a greater turn in the end. When I say study everyday I don't mean spend every hour of every day studying. I mean spend a couple of hours after classes studying. Study everyday trust me your brain will thank you for it later. 

Two: Remember You Deserve This, You are Capable

You have to remember that you got into this program for a reason. You are exactly where you are suppose to be and you deserve to be there. Through this time I really questioned some days why am I here, if I was smart enough to do it. I felt it took me longer to get information and it was frustrating. Then I realized we are all different learners and people if it does take longer or for me putting in extra time to get it then that is okay. I really spent time with myself reminding myself that you were chosen for this program for a reason, they saw something in you so how dare you not see it within yourself. You choose this career path for a reason. 

Three: Do Things You Love

I don't know maybe somebody enjoys studying every hour of everyday and that truly brings them happiness, but that somebody is definitely not me. Studying can become exhausting and sometimes stressful so it's important to have some time for yourself. Don't feel guilty if you take time to do something you love everyday and I highly encourage it. If you are a planner like me and it makes you feel better plan the time you want to do something that you love everyday then do it because I did. I made sure I took time to read, exercise, write, talk to friends and family, and meditate. These things are important to my happiness and my overall well being. I set out 2 hours a day for this time and sometimes it would be split up through the day and sometimes it was straight. Not everyday I got the entire two hours, but I made sure I had at minimum of 30 minutes.


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