At this moment I feel stuck. Stuck in this stage of my weight loss. I haven't been gaining or losing any weight. I was so worried about it even to the point that I begin to get discouraged. I was at a point where I thought this was it. Then I remember that every relationship needs constant redirection. Redirection doesn't mean starting over. Redirection doesn't mean that you have stopped, given up, or done something wrong. Redirection simply means you may need to do some readjusting. Often we stick to the same workouts and our body gets used to it. With workouts especially you must constantly evolve and do new things to challenge yourself. Once you do the same things over and over again it becomes easier and you now can do it like its nothing without sweating. With workouts, you always want to constantly challenge yourself. My redirection will consist of me going back to take a look at what I was doing then when I was losing weight compared to now. When I initiall...