Music...Music....AND.....more MUSIC. I have always been in love with music ever since I was very little. I didn't watch cartoons because I preferred things that were solely based on music. Yes, some cartoons have music, but it wasn't enough for me. Music is my therapy; the one thing that never fails. It is something about how the words mixed with a nice melody mixed with a choirs crescendo or the runs of an artist that just speaks to me. Music is a mood changer it can make you cry in one moment then the next moment you can't stop moving your hips. It gives me hope when I feel down. It motivates me through school work and definitely a workout. When I first started my weight loss journey I absolutely utterly with a passion hated running. I utilized music to set the bar for myself. The goal was to first make a running playlist and the key challenge was to not skip a song. It was key because I would challenge myself to run for an entire song and then I would walk on the incline the next song. With this routine, it leads me to run faster and longer; if I must say so myself I have come very far. I am 100% sure that music does something to your brain that forces you to work out harder. Hear me out you know that moment when you go to the gym and forget headphones or god forsake your phone dies well yeah I have had many of those moments. YES, the gym plays music, but it's not always your music; you feel me right?? Just because these things happen I still go to the gym and I notice well at least I feel that I am not working as hard. There are probably tons of research articles on this, but I know this is true because I feel a clear difference. I know we all as people find some type of music we resonate with, but I resonate with a variety of music. I think we all should embody the power of music. It is a key player in my life and nothing has made me feel half of what music does. Music doesn't have to be your key therapy, but find something that challenges you and bring you joy because it is essential to have something that does the for you. Mine is music, but yours could be anything or a multitude of things. Just remember everything starts with you.
-Growing and Glowing with Ty-
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