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Why Did I Start My Weight Loss Journey???

My weight has always been a challenge for me throughout my whole life. I didn't grow up eating what some may call a healthy diet, but it was good eating. Taco nights which were my favorite because I love Mexican food. Smothered pork chops, collard greens, and mashed potatoes. Farm fresh fried chicken with Amish potato salad and Hawaiian rolls. The worst thing that has happened to me was when they decided it would be a great idea to close the majority of the farm-fresh markets because that chicken was special to my heart. I do not eat chicken now, but I will eat that chicken yet I digress. I am saying this to say these were my typical meals in my family. Comfort food was home for me it what I knew and what I loved if we are being honest. Eventually, these meals caught out with me when I begin to eat and just sit down and study or read or watch TV with very little physical activity. It felt like in one snap of a finger I gained 100 pounds. Okay okay, maybe not 100 pounds but that is how I felt. When I went to school or around certain people they refused to allow me to forget that with their subtle remarks or the straight-out rude remarks. I heard them all. So as much as I wanted to love myself and be happy in my skin the world around me told me that I shouldn't. I allowed this to consume me so I thought losing weight was necessary because that was the only thing I could directly change because of course there were other things that they saw as not beautiful or wrong. Here is where the journey began. My first try to weight loss was when I was in fifth grade, I ate only Smart Ones which are those frozen dinners made by weight watchers. I did lose fourteen pounds, but I was super unhappy with this change so it did not last long. After this, I just gave up on weight loss for some time and did whatever I wanted. Years went by and pounds consumed me. During this time I tried to love myself and at times I really believed I did and maybe I did but yet again I got consumed by what the world perceived as beautiful. My weight was a battle during this time but my biggest problem was loving myself. I convinced myself that losing weight will fix that for me. I started to try weight loss again in my sophomore year of college because at this point the scale had become my worst enemy. I got on it and I swore to myself that it was lying. Around this time it was my first breakup so with that all happening I told myself I needed a change. This time I tried a vegan-based diet, but I have an unworldly obsession with sour cream. That ended within a few weeks and then I became a vegetarian. I was on the good spectrum of being a vegetarian and on the bad spectrum. As a good vegetarian, I ate mostly salad and smoothies. I know that may sound terrible but I love salads and smoothies tremendously. During this time I lost twenty pounds. On the bad side of a vegetarian diet, I ate a lot of junk and I gained all the weight back. I was a vegetarian for about a year or so then switched to a pescatarian diet because I was lacking some essential nutrients. If you follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle vitamins and supplements are great to add to your daily lifestyle to ensure that you are getting the proper amount of key nutrients. I did not have money to buy those things and the best sources for nutrients will always be food so that is why I decided to switch to a pescatarian diet. I have been following a pescatarian based diet for almost a year.

Needless to say, I have tried everything to lose weight and while some of it did work it did not last. I was trying to lose weight for the wrong reasons which made my journey very inconsistent. It was never for me it was always because I thought the world would accept me more or a specific person would like or love me more. The truth is the world's trends always change and people will always find flaws in any or everything if they can. When that dictates your life you will always feel that no matter what you do it will never be enough so this time I realized that I wasn't losing weight for anybody else besides myself. I realized that I am enough in every way for myself. I do not need anybody to fill my glass I want to fill it myself and allow others to pour into until it spills over with only positive things. The moment that I changed my mindset around why I was losing weight it stuck with me. From 213 pounds to 178 pounds I finally did it I loved it I was proud I was happy I was amazed and did say I was proud. This was the first time in my life that I took full control of something just for myself. I knew I wasn't just trying to lose weight I wanted to be healthier mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I wanted to love myself completely and mean it. I did not want to drive myself into any conditions where I have to take medications to keep something under control or keep me alive. I am aware that this can still happen with some conditions but with others such a Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, or Coronary Heart Disease you can lower the risk of developing these with a good diet and exercise. If you are already diagnosed with these a good diet and exercise can help manage them. With Type 2 Diabetes it can completely cure it depending on how far along your condition is. There were many bumps in the road to getting me to a point where I finally could do it and stick with it but it was worth every moment. After I did it I was surer than ever that I can do anything in this world because food is one of the most prudent addictions, but we are not ready to talk about that.

Quick Tips
If you want to lose weight you have to understand why you want it, you genuinely have to ask yourself what is the driving force behind this? Why do I feel like I need this? If it is for any reason other than yourself, I am here to tell you it will most likely not stick because the moment the trend change or the person you were trying to do it for is gone you will have no reason to continue with it and therefore you won't. The next most important thing once you have decided to start your journey is consistency in whatever it is you decide to do to get to your goal be consistent in it. I promise you a few adjustments with some consistency can get you there.
Stay Tuned there will be more details on how I lost 33 pounds in four months. If you read all of this you are a real one. I appreciate you, you are beautiful, and whatever you want in life is already yours.

-Growing and Glowing with Ty


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