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The First Love That Most People Miss

Society has taken over so many of our minds, we look around and feel we are not up to what society wants. We do everything in our power to try to live up to the people in the magazines or the people on the internet. Skinny women want to be thicker so they try to eat everything and hope it works. Thick women believe they are fat so they try to eat less or diet. All women aim to have fat but only in the right places. Y'all know what I'm talking about.  While most men aim to have little to no fat. Many people do this because we feel that we have to in order for somebody to really want us and for society to accept us. In reality, society changes every day and it just goes with what the trend is for that day or even that year. If you reach it for that year or day what about all the other days and years? We can not consume ourselves trying to please others in this world and trying to keep up with the standards and trends.  People in this world will always find a flaw in you no matter what you wear, how thick or skinny you are. If you really feel like you want to change those things makes sure it is for you and you only. You have to love yourself before anyone else can properly love. A person that truly loves you won’t care if you are skinny or thick or fat or if you wear the new trends or if you beat your face every day. The outside may draw people in, but the looks don’t last forever. It takes way more than just a body to keep someone. It's more to you than just your looks. If that person doesn’t see that then let them go because they are not the one for you. You have to love yours whatever it is that you have, own it and work it. I know it is hard to trust me I know all too well. It took me almost all of my childhood to love the shade of my skin just because people always told me it was ugly. Eventually, I began to believe it. Now that I am older I get compliments on my skin complexion and I was initially in awe, but then I realized that a lot of this is due to me actually loving my skin. Still to this day I work day in and day out to love my body.  When you finally are comfortable and love your own skin it is noticeable because you have a new glow about you that radiates when you walk through every door. So imagine if for one moment you drain out the voices of the world and listen to one; yourself. Take time to assess how you feel about your shape, your hair, your personality, your energy, etc. If you feel that you want to change something great as long as the choice is yours as long as you don't feel forced to live up to the world expectations of you because news fash the people you are trying to live up to may have gone through dangerous surgeries or edited their flaws. the world will always find something wrong so according to that, you will never be enough so why take time trying to live up to an unmeasurable image. Do whatever it takes for you to have the time to define yourself before you allow the world to define you.  Once you start loving yourself your life will be opened up to so much more peace, positivity, and real love because you won't accept anything less. Now you know what you deserve and you will be protective over your peace.  Just remember that everything starts with you.


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