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Realtionships and Weight Loss

 Three Signs of a Healthy Relationship - Counseling & Therapy ...

I have noticed a sudden increase in couples working out together not just online, but in person. When I see single people working on themselves they spend the majority of their time by themselves. With that being said I decided to share my experiences with relationships since I started my journey. 

At the beginning of my journey, I distanced myself from everybody. I felt that I needed to really focus on myself. When you first begin something you need to first learn to discipline and the only way I personally knew how to do that was to distance myself. I do not regret this decision at all because if I first wouldn't have taught myself this discipline, in the beginning, I would not have made it as far as I have. When you distant yourself away from people you may lose some, but I gained way more. I started feeling whole again, I started glowing, and above all, I started to feel pure happiness radiating through me. I started to branch out more once I got ready and some friends actually went to the gym with me; that felt great to have somebody want to indulge in the things that you grew to love. I am naturally kind of a distant person, but that doesn't mean friendships can't work while you are on the journey to a healthier you. Your friends I feel must be people who one believes in your journey and two respect it as if it was their own. It is a great thing when they want to join in with you. After they see what you accomplished whether you isolated yourself or not they will be happy for you and ask you tons of questions. I have had many people come out of literally nowhere and tell me I look great. I got so many questions from friends and acquaintances asking me what I was doing. In summary, I have like three friends; every day I am becoming a better me and as long as I don't lose myself again I am okay. I want to glow and radiate with so much happiness that it is disgusting and all the right people will find me. 

You know when you go around your family the first thing they seem to point out is the changes in your body. You know they may say "baby what you been eating" or "you gained a lot of weight" or "you need to eat some more". Of course, your family hopefully is never intentionally trying to hurt you, but it can sting especially because it comes from people you love. I know I have a family like that and I will just think to myself I don't need to hear that. I never felt like they loved me less which is the most important thing. When I did lose weight they just said they were proud of me and had a lot of questions about how I did it.

Non-Platonic Relationships
Let's just start by saying that unfortunately a lot of women's insecurities about weight and their body come from boys. I know some people may say oh its criticism that women just take as an insult, but that is B.S. The Majority of the time they just spit garbage out of their mouth and it doesn't come with any helpful information. Criticism is supposed to be helpful. I say this to say that a lot of things I thought about my body came from a guy and others around me trying to define me before I could completely define myself. Prior to my journey, I had plenty of guys call me fat and even if they got to know me as a person it was always you are not my type. After I lost weight I still had guys call me fat; one guy even told me that basically although I lost weight I am still closer to the other side. On the other hand, I have had an ex come back and send encouraging words I guess. I have had people tell me things that they admire about me probably more than ever. This aspect of my life is still rocky because I personally have a lot of healing to do. 

My journey hasn't really changed my relationships with others, but I am gaining a healthier relationship with myself. I believe it is the most important relationship because whatever you want to do you will be the foundation of it. As long as the foundation is strong and not easily broken whatever is built on it or comes from it will thrive. So whatever you have to do and however you have to do to radiate in happiness you do it, do it for you only. Once you get that happiness and peace within yourself all the right people will present themselves to you.


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