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It's Me!!!!!

Hey. It's Me..Tiesha

I was born on February 22nd 21 years ago, I was raised in Newport News, Virginia.  Yes, I am a Pisces.. the "partner for life" just saying. I am the youngest of three kids and I know the youngest is typically the most spoiled and obnoxious, but I am the outlier to that stereotype. I grew up in downtown Newport News mostly needless to say everything was not spectacular, but I wouldn't change my childhood one bit. Growing up there taught me survival skills and it showed me no matter where you come from you do not have to allow that to shape who you will become. Regardless of what you may hear about this area, it is not all bad.  My childhood was fun from the iceberg lady, hopscotch, dance routines, and with my family, there is always a ton of laughter. I will tell you those icebergs were something special it had me looking for a quarter in every corner of my house. If you haven't had one then you don't know what you are missing.  None the less it was my first life adventure and just like any great adventure there are downfalls within, but the memories and lessons learned during them are forever.

I currently stay in Norfolk, Virginia. I moved here to go to college at Old Dominion University where I have been pursuing my undergraduate degree in Exercise Science. After I graduate, I will be returning to school to get my Doctoral degree in Physical Therapy. I am currently in my final semester of college it has been a long three and a half years, yes I said three and a half because this girl is graduating early.  I only had to give up every summer to take classes, I know it sounds terrible, but when you have a dream whatever you have to do to get there will be worth it. I have been working while in school since high school and college has not been any different in that regard. I have two jobs both as a desk receptionist on my college campus. I do not have any kids, but I am an auntie to two and a half I say half because the other one is still being processed.  I use to say I never wanted kids, but that is changing.
I am one of those people who has always wanted peace and love in the world. I believe if you do all things with love it will be unstoppable. I always wanted to make a difference and I know I will even if it is with one person at a time. Through my time I also learned that I can only do that if I take time to make a difference within myself first. You are not good for anybody else if you are not good to yourself so 2019 has been my year to really focus on myself. I am passionate about fighting against racism it is 2019 and it still exists regardless of how much some may try to put a blanket over the issue. I believe in social equality for all and it is possible, but it will take work. I like to discuss topics that many may feel uncomfortable with, I like to ask a lot of questions about things many people dare not to questions. I enjoy having conversations with people who have different opinions than me though they would never change my thoughts on a topic I find it very intriguing to know the other side to any issue.  I love anything with music and dancing as well as reading and creative writing. You can definitely see me at a party one Saturday and the next Saturday I would be in my bed reading. Let's just say I am equally balanced. I  am starting this blog to highlight my journey to a healthier mind, body, and soul. Through my journey, I will like to inspire others to be better for themselves firstly then that energy can be given off to the world around them. Get ready for the ride of a lifetime.

-Growing and Glowing with Ty


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